Welcome to Reglo-bg.org

The main aims of REGLO are:

· to study social problems and processes;

· to work for the development of education, science and culture;

· to support civil society;

· to suggest solutions to social problems


For achieving the above aims, the REGLO Research Centre:

· conducts local, national and international sociological studies;

· offers expert assessments and proposals for social technologies

· organizes congresses, conferences, symposium, discussions;

· holds courses, seminars, consultations and other forms of education and training;

· publishes results of studies, experts’ assessments, collections and monographs.

REGLO’s research priorities are socially relevant problems related to social change, social risks and their management; individual and institutional strategies for coping with social risks; social mobility; labor market and social policy; technological and organizational innovations; education and science; change in cultural orientations and behavior; ecology.