How to become healthier with these diet

A healthy life in the new year starts with these diet and exercise knowledge

“Health” is the most simple blessing and the most basic expectation, but it is often the most difficult song to sing. When we start screaming “be disciplined”, it’s usually the time to give up on it. After all, when you ask those disciplined people around you who eat a balanced diet and exercise consistently for advice on how to be consistent, most of them can’t say anything grand, and many things are actually as simple as they seem – just do it.

Of course we know that too much exhortation may be counterproductive to become in the release of anxiety, but can not not not to mention the matter. So we looked for some of the more typical “self-disciplinarians” who are doctors, kinesiology students or full-time doctors, and instead of preaching, we just asked them to physically share how they catch the tail end of their health and live each day in a practical manner. We hope this will be useful to you, but most of all, we wish you good health.

How to distinguish “good food” from “bad food
Although food is the order of the day, eating and drinking well in modern life should not be a matter of eating and drinking, it is especially important to ensure adequate nutritional intake and resist temptation.

In this regard, we are fortunate to see a lot of experience by our general editor Kim, a licensed teacher with a lot of expertise.

We should not lose fat by “eating less carbohydrates” or “strictly limiting total calories”. Our total daily food intake should be kept at a relatively adequate level. Therefore, when aiming for fat loss, it is recommended that you consume no less than (TDEE – 500) calories per day. In other words, you can “eat less” than 500 KCal per day. That’s about the equivalent of a little over two Cokes or less than a McDonald’s Big Mac.

— but I wouldn’t recommend drinking Coke or eating a burger. There is a huge difference in the nature of foods that contain the same number of calories. This brings us to the subject of food choices.

The biggest problem of many workers, including those who play is not to eat badly or not enough, is that the diet is irregular, especially in the many scientific theories to verify its importance of the breakfast link is often haphazard, perhaps we should think about whether we are really in such a hurry to go to work.

Not eating enough protein can lead to decreased immunity, muscle relaxation, and endocrine disorders. Not eating enough fiber can lead to poor bowel movements and imbalanced intestinal flora. Not to mention vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Let us once again revisit the truth: You are what you eat. meals are not eaten well, do not talk about energy.

And besides the daily diet, we can also see his view on supplements or meal replacements: the proteins in the human body are always in a dynamic state of change. Our various cells and tissues are being renewed every moment, and the proteins that make up these cells are thus in a constant balance of breakdown and production. We consume some proteins and excrete their metabolic waste every day. This requires us to consume approximately the same amount of protein through food. If we need to build muscle, or are in other states of increased consumption (children, elderly, post-operative recovery, maternal), we need to consume more protein, otherwise our body will be in a deficit state.

A lack of protein in the human body may manifest itself externally as dull skin and dry hair, and internally as slowed metabolism, decreased hormone levels, osteoporosis, poor digestion, and decreased resistance. These problems do not appear in a day, just as a house will “suddenly” leak on a day when it is in disrepair. But, wait until the house leaks before you think of repair, will not be a little too late?

Is there a product that can completely replace the normal diet and meet all the nutritional needs of the body? Yes, there is. That is the clinical medical “whole nutrition formula”. As defined in the current Administrative Measures for Registration of Food Formulas for Special Medical Purposes, such foods can be used as a single source of nutrition for the human body.

Take Abbott’s “Allantoin” as an example, its three major nutrients to energy ratio of 56%-15%-29%, added dietary fiber, 13 vitamins and 12 minerals, generally close to the requirements. These products are similar in composition and function to the enteral nutrition solutions configured by the nutrition departments of regular hospitals. If you really want to “eat only meal replacements for three meals”, you should at least choose medical whole food formulas instead of commercial meal replacements.

Gym and training is not as unattainable as you think
Exercise and fitness is a simple and complex discipline, simple in that once you understand how and where your body works, it’s easy to find the right exercise style for you; complex in that as your duration and body changes, the exercise style has to change constantly to get the most benefit.

So we are very happy to see Mario share his in-depth and simple training style, and hope that we can all move first, and then refine the method that suits us as we become more familiar with it.

As we age, we lose muscle strength and bone mass involuntarily; after age 30, muscle mass decreases by 3-8% every 10 years, and after age 60, it decreases even faster. Bone content is also lost with age, which makes bones weaker and increases the risk of hip, wrist, and spine fractures. The loss of muscle strength and bone mass is a root cause and contributor to the loss of work capacity in older adults, increasing not only the risk of falls and injuries, but also the potential for increased incidence of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Neuromotor function also decreases with increasing age. Muscle strength, explosive power, reaction time, balance, and the ability to maintain postural stability all decline with age, thereby increasing the risk of falls in older adults, with health, psychological, and financial costs. In particular, falls can be painful, cause fractures, and even result in disability.

Many people are always dissuaded by the wide range of training equipment in the gym after their first card, although they each have their own unique and practical way of doing things, but all of them are designed to provide “resistance” in our activities. Training is certainly not easy, but in fact, you understand the reasoning can also be a pass.

An important principle in resistance training is called “progressive load principle”, which means that the load used in training should be increased continuously. If you still use the original load, the body will not adapt further, and then we need to increase our load to give the body a new stimulus.

Resistance training can be based on the “2-2 principle” to determine when to increase the load and how much to increase the load.

The “2-2 principle” means that if the last set of a training movement can be completed two times more than the intended number of reps, and the last set of the next training can also be done twice more, then we can consider increasing the load. the NSCA recommended weighting principles are shown in Table 5, depending on our own situation.

If traditional strength training is for body and figure management, then is there a way to train to be more “flexible” in your daily life? Of course there is, and that is “functional training”.

Functional training is simply a training method that allows the body to give full play to its motor functions, thereby improving the individual’s ability to live. The human body shows various abilities during exercise, mainly strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility, and these body functions work together to help us perform various activities efficiently, such as carrying heavy objects without injury, sprinting quickly to catch falling objects, and stabilizing the body when the soles of the feet slip.

Impairment and underdevelopment of a certain motor ability will affect our normal life and sports, for example, the elderly lack of lower limb strength, needing the assistance of both hands to stand up from the chair, and the lack of flexibility in the lower limbs of men, which can easily lead to injuries in sports. Therefore, functional training focuses on the development of multiple physical qualities to improve the overall mobility of the body.

Of course, in addition to Mario who lifts iron, we can also see other authors sharing about exercise styles and training techniques.

Usually we use the gold standard of cardiorespiratory fitness – VO2max – to evaluate the performance of different people. A comparison between endurance sports champions and the general population shows that VO2max values are 50-100% higher in athletes than in normal healthy young subjects, and that having a higher VO2max can directly affect the training process, including increased cardiac output per beat, increased blood volume, increased capillary density, and increased mitochondrial density in myocytes.

At the same time, people with better cardiorespiratory fitness can produce less lactic acid during exercise and can recover more quickly after exercise, reducing exercise fatigue.

Training for cardiorespiratory fitness is an important and integral part of fitness.

When it comes to training, of course, we can’t help but mention HIIT, a training method that has taken the world by storm, but it is always far away from us, so let’s try to understand its characteristics in the simplest way possible, and then, like fitness training, move first, and then move better.

As the name implies, HIIT consists of two elements, namely HI “high intensity” and IT “interval training”. “Interval training” is the opposite of “continuous training”. In its simplest and most literal sense, the latter means exercising without rest for a long period of time, typically long distance running, cycling or continuous swimming. Interval training, on the other hand, implies alternating between training and rest. If we consider only this point, I believe that all those who have participated in resistance training (i.e. strength training) can easily understand: we have to stop and rest for each set of movements during resistance training, which is also a kind of interval training.

Life is about exercise, but health issues should not be underestimated
Although exercise is advocated at all times, it is only one of the ways we get or stay healthy, and absolute health requires more attention and care in our daily lives at all times.

First of all, we all know the truth – diseases come from the mouth, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are only symptoms, they also have a more standardized medical term: food-borne diseases. If you’re overwhelmed, perhaps you can prepare yourself with the following article.

Foodborne illnesses are often accompanied by a painful illness process, except for symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, which can plague us for days, not to mention the additional damage caused by these symptoms, such as “toilet disaster” and “end of the jugular”. Adequate understanding of the causes of foodborne illness is a prerequisite for protecting our fragile intestinal system, and a necessary safeguard for happy eaters to eat and drink.

When it comes to daily dietary norms and nutritional intake, in fact, the country has been following up on social development and the public’s physical condition to iteratively update the dietary guidelines, and what are the key points in the latest edition of the dietary guidelines? There is no need to read through the whole book, it has been delineated for you.

The way of eating that makes us feel comfortable in the present is often contrary to the recommendations of the Guide; and strictly following the recommendations of the Guide is not operational in some aspects, following the dietary recommendations of the Guide may make our lives seem more miserable and sad. Out of a vision of being responsible for our bodies and the difficulty of being actionable, the Guidelines can be seen as the ultimate recipe for wellness.

If you are well every day, you will not be afraid, but it is often the disease that forces people to pay more attention to their health.

At this stage, “gout” has become the most prevalent endocrine disease after “diabetes”, and there is a rapid increase and trend of youthfulness. “The overall prevalence of hyperuricemia is 13.3%, while the prevalence of gout is as high as 1.1%. Moreover, “gout” is becoming a personal label that is difficult to remove, a health problem that is ridiculed by peers, and often equated with “you are not well”, making the social pressure on patients increase. Whether it is prevention or remedy afterwards, it deserves your attention.

Some patients with “gout” may have only one attack in their lifetime, even without treatment, without any further symptoms or clinical manifestations. Unfortunately, however, most patients still manifest as recurrent arthritis attacks, and each gout attack may be more prolonged as serum urate concentrations increase and the metabolic load of urate crystals increases. It is important to remember that this should not be taken lightly.

And it’s not just gout, nowadays “three highs” have become a health problem that more and more young people need to be infused with – and the trend of diabetes becoming younger and younger is becoming more and more obvious. With the development of medical technology, the treatment of diabetes today is becoming more and more personalized, and patients’ blood glucose control is becoming more and more stringent.

Regardless of how diabetes is treated, blood glucose monitoring is the foundation of diabetes treatment. We all know that endpoint glucose is the most common way to monitor blood glucose, but it really hurts. Thanks to technology, there is now a new way to measure blood glucose.

I wish you good health and no poison!
In addition to the authors already mentioned, you can also see more targeted medical knowledge shared by these doctors or medical professionals, from the shallow to the deep, thanks to their sharing, so that we can have an accurate entry point to understand what we need when we have health problems and the information on the Internet is confusing.

The high-end field of medical devices has always been imported products occupy most of the market share, and everyone will default to “imported is better than domestic”, which is a hard fact to argue in most market segments, but domestic cardiovascular interventional devices are very competitive, such as cardiac stents.

Domestic products have basically completed import substitution, with domestic stents occupying nearly 70% of the market share, and this is also the market basis for stent centralized quantity procurement to reduce the price so hard. After the price reduction, the coronary stent is also a momentary fire out of the circle, and such questions as “can the stent be used when it is so cheap” have been asked by the partners of sister departments many times, so we can talk about it together with the introduction of domestic stents.